For information on any of these products, please call (815) 885-9000.
A pioneer in vacuum pneumatic conveying, VAC-U-MAX specializes in the design and manufacture of pneumatic systems and support equipment for the conveying, weighing, and batching of dry materials.
VAC-U-Max Industrial Vacuum Cleaners:
- Wet/Dry Vacuums: Portable Industrial Vacuums
- Air Operated Industrial Vacuum Cleaners
- HEPA Vacuums
- Continuous Duty Vacuums
- VAC-U-MAX Industrial Vacuums: Combustible Dust Vacuums
- Central Vacuum Systems
- Liquid Recovery Vacuums
- Flammable Liquid Recovery
- Metalworking Shop Vacuums
- Pharmaceutical Vacuums
- Trim Recovery Vacuums
- Intercept Hoppers and Pre-Separators
- Accessories
See examples of VAC-U-MAX products being used in finished applications here: